He really answered our prayers for the Holy Spirit to abide and lead. It's pretty incredible how seriously he takes us when we ask and ask and ask. Let this encourage you to keep asking him for more- for yourselves, for the lost, for HIS glory. Ask, ask, ask.
1. His Spirit was abiding in a brother who I hardly know. This guy back in Alabama, obeyed God's voice and sent me random passages in which God was crying out to me- speaking to the very center of my soul. It is amazing how much the Lord delights in speaking to his kids! Since I've been here, I've been battling doing things only for God and not for men, as my flesh constantly longs for recognition and approval. God knew what I was facing and wanted to speak so powerfully to me, that he told this guy to show me Ecclesiastes 9:11-19. It's about a poor, wise man who delivers an entire little city, without anyone remembering him. God says that, "wisdom is better than might, though the poor man's wisdom is despised and his words are not heard. The words of the wise heard in quiet are better than the shouting of a ruler among fools." (v.16-17) What a beautiful thing that the Lord is the only one we serve. Who cares if no one remembers us- that's not why we're here. We exist purely for his pleasure. And when we live for his pleasure- we get back way more than we could ever imagine. Let this also encourage you quiet people. God can use you to deliver an entire city if he chooses! DON'T YOU DARE put limits on him. There are NONE.
2. God has been working our on lost friend's heart and preparing it for something new- we're begging God to save him. This older guy suffers from so much pride, loneliness, and the lies of materialism from the world. But God is moving, allowing us to have more conversations about his free gift of salvation. He is curious, but very cautious and set in his ways. We beg you to pray with us for him.
3. God gave me a hard test this past week to reveal the idols of my heart and draw me even closer. Bitter sweetness when my heart is rejected by men, only to be welcomed with joyful, LOUD, passionate singing of the Lord- calling me to himself! He alone can satisfy our hearts. Though there was pain in this lesson, his joy came and that makes it so worth it.
4. Thursday night I was up for hours, preparing to lead my first kick boxing class in our community center on Saturday, when I pulled my hamstring. I could hardly walk without pain on Friday and was terrified of how I was going to finish preparing and lead on Saturday. That morning I read,
"Oh Lord, in the morning I prepare a sacrifice for you and WATCH." Psalm 5:3
That's what I did- though it took him breaking all of my pride, which was a painful process. Many of you were praying and God was so faithful to us! Saturday morning I woke up with no pain in my leg. He literally healed me. HA! Before the class, he gave me supernatural confidence and joy that was NOT from myself- purely him. I actually had a blast leading the class and a good number of 25 showed up instead of the 70 that registered. I can't say it enough, Jesus is tight. Way to cool for words!
5. Sunday morning, the Spirit moved again. We were sharing testimonies at Oasis ( all 15 of us at our church) when a dirty, mangy looking 30ish year old man wobbled in. He didn't speak, but sat in the back directly behind me. He reeked of paint thinner. His sweatshirt hood was covering his face. I've never felt anything like it before, but when we walked in, I felt the power of the Holy Spirit. Beckah and I both instantly thought of Jesus telling us,
"For I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me drink, I was a stranger and you welcomed me....Truly I say to you, as you did it to one of the least of these my brothers, you did it to me." Matthew 25: 35, 40
This man stumbled to the front and began speaking about his pain and drug addiction. He was so ashamed and overwhelmed with sadness that he could not hold back the tears. Hanging his head low, he walked away as our pastor tried stopping him. He was able to get his name, Pedro. We got Pedro to sit as we prayed over his trembling body. The Lord was so sweet in this moment. I watched a member, Josue, stroke Pedro's head with so much love as he prayed for him. I was overwhelmed with grief for this poor guy. Thinking about not only all that's he's done- but all that's been done to him. Pedro needs Jesus to come in and heal everything in his aching heart. He left shortly, saying he'd return next Sunday. We are all praying so. This is probably our biggest request- that God would rescue Pedro from his misery and pull him into his loving arms. Please pray for him.
As you can see, the Lord really is faithful to the end. Please pray for:
- our lost, prideful friend
- that God would free up all of our idols and take our hearts completely captive
- daily energy, creativity, strength, perserverance, joy and wisdom for all of our work here- it's a lot. (especially for kickboxing)
- Pedro
- ways to draw our students in and show them Jesus- that the Spirit would lead ALL of this.
- more dreams and visions please! We long to hear more from God.
- more opportunities to be his hands and feet- destroying the works of the devil and speaking life into lost, dead souls.