Monday, September 24, 2012

"You won't relent until you have it all. My heart is yours."

I can seriously feel all of your prayers. This has been an incredible journey and I owe so many bear hugs to each of you. In this past week alone, God did so much that I can hardly summarize the pages of my journal into this blog.

He really answered our prayers for the Holy Spirit to abide and lead. It's pretty incredible how seriously he takes us when we ask and ask and ask. Let this encourage you to keep asking him for more- for yourselves, for the lost, for HIS glory. Ask, ask, ask.

1. His Spirit was abiding in a brother who I hardly know. This guy back in Alabama, obeyed God's voice and sent me random passages in which God was crying out to me- speaking to the very center of my soul. It is amazing how much the Lord delights in speaking to his kids! Since I've been here, I've been battling doing things only for God and not for men, as my flesh constantly longs for recognition and approval. God  knew what I was facing and wanted to speak so powerfully to me, that he told this guy to show me Ecclesiastes 9:11-19. It's about a poor, wise man who delivers an entire little city, without anyone remembering him. God says that, "wisdom is better than might, though the poor man's wisdom is despised and his words are not heard. The words of the wise heard in quiet are better than the shouting of a ruler among fools." (v.16-17) What a beautiful thing that the Lord is the only one we serve. Who cares if no one remembers us- that's not why we're here. We exist purely for his pleasure. And when we live for his pleasure- we get back way more than we could ever imagine. Let this also encourage you quiet people. God can use you to deliver an entire city if he chooses! DON'T YOU DARE put limits on him. There are NONE.

2. God has been working our on lost friend's heart and preparing it for something new- we're begging God to save him. This older guy suffers from so much pride, loneliness, and the lies of materialism from the world. But God is moving, allowing us to have more conversations about his free gift of salvation. He is curious, but very cautious and set in his ways. We beg you to pray with us for him.

3. God gave me a hard test this past week to reveal the idols of my heart and draw me even closer. Bitter sweetness when my heart is rejected by men, only to be welcomed with joyful, LOUD, passionate singing of the Lord- calling me to himself! He alone can satisfy our hearts. Though there was pain in this lesson, his joy came and that makes it so worth it.

4. Thursday night I was up for hours, preparing to lead my first kick boxing class in our community center on Saturday, when I pulled my hamstring. I could hardly walk without pain on Friday and was terrified of how I was going to finish preparing and lead on Saturday. That morning I read,

"Oh Lord, in the morning I prepare a sacrifice for you and WATCH." Psalm 5:3

That's what I did- though it took him breaking all of my pride, which was a painful process. Many of you were praying and God was so faithful to us! Saturday morning I woke up with no pain in my leg. He literally healed me. HA! Before the class, he gave me supernatural confidence and joy that was NOT from myself- purely him. I actually had a blast leading the class and a good number of 25 showed up instead of the 70 that registered. I can't say it enough, Jesus is tight. Way to cool for words!

5. Sunday morning, the Spirit moved again. We were sharing testimonies at Oasis ( all 15 of us at our church) when a dirty, mangy looking 30ish year old man wobbled in. He didn't speak, but sat in the back directly behind me. He reeked of paint thinner. His sweatshirt hood was covering his face. I've never felt anything like it before, but when we walked in, I felt the power of the Holy Spirit. Beckah and I both instantly thought of Jesus telling us,

"For I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me drink, I was a stranger and you welcomed me....Truly I say to you, as you did it to one of the least of these my brothers, you did  it to me." Matthew 25: 35, 40

This man stumbled to the front and began speaking about his pain and drug addiction. He was so ashamed and overwhelmed with sadness that he could not hold back the tears. Hanging his head low, he walked away as our pastor tried stopping him. He was able to get his name, Pedro. We got Pedro to sit as we prayed over his trembling body. The Lord was so sweet in this moment. I watched a member, Josue, stroke Pedro's head with so much love as he prayed for him. I was overwhelmed with grief for this poor guy. Thinking about not only all that's he's done- but all that's been done to him. Pedro needs Jesus to come in and heal everything in his aching heart. He left shortly, saying he'd return next Sunday. We are all praying so. This is probably our biggest request- that God would rescue Pedro from his misery and pull him into his loving arms. Please pray for him.

As you can see, the Lord really is faithful to the end. Please pray for:

  • our lost, prideful friend
  • that God would free up all of our idols and take our hearts completely captive
  • daily energy, creativity, strength, perserverance, joy and wisdom for all of our work here- it's a lot. (especially for kickboxing)
  • Pedro
  • ways to draw our students in and show them Jesus- that the Spirit would lead ALL of this.
  • more dreams and visions please! We long to hear more from God.
  • more opportunities to be his hands and feet- destroying the works of the devil and speaking life into lost, dead souls.
So so so much love to each of you!!!!!!!!!! May God abide in you all and show you secret, hidden things that you never knew ;)

Monday, September 17, 2012

"...I will be found by you, declares the Lord."

The Lord is moving in Mexico. He's doing some things that we can see.

Like bringing more than 300 people to attend classes in our community center, which is our main ministry of showing people Jesus- by building relationships and demonstrating his character in our own lives. He's given Beckah and I opportunities to build deeper friendships with some of our family members here. He's specifically put one extended family on our hearts. The mom loves God but her husband is strictly Catholic and doesn't want her near Christians. By the grace of God, he's changing and we got to spend a whole afternoon playing futbol with them last week. They are a really sweet, loving family- just lost and trapped in the customs of their country. We're praying God continues working on the husband's heart especially.

God has also given us so much freedom, joy and laughter with our friends here. We just celebrated Mexico's independence day on September 15th. We were both nervous about spending the entire day with all of our Mexican friends...really we were worried about maintaining our Spanish for so long, while enjoying their company and not getting exhausted. (Speaking and constantly translating Spanish in our heads can be draining). What a surprise it was for God to enable us to have a wonderful conversation with the sweetest old man, Abel, for a few hours at dinner. He's a strong believer and we got to talk with him all about God, the Holy Spirit, heaven, and how he used to be a prodigal son. It was sweet! The night was full of fireworks, watching el grito (the traditional Independence yell: "viva Mexico!") on tv, eating yummy posole (delicious soup with loads of ingredients) and cracking up with our awesome kiwi (new zealander) missionaries on the car ride home. We had asked God to help us glorify him in our fun before the day started, and he totally blew our expectations! He is LIFE and the Creator of FUN!

The Lord has also been doing some things that we cannot see. It's these things that really excite me!

He has been ministering to both Beckah and I, answering our prayers in giving us more love for each other. We have both struggled with jealousy...she's one of the coolest girls I've ever known and Satan has tried to use that to make us stumble. Praise God, he has shone his light on our sin and brought us even closer in repentance and forgiveness. Hahaha he always wins over sin!

He has also been doing more in my heart, tenderly growing and leading me. Since I've been here, I've struggled with being uncertain about his plans for my future. I've allowed fear to creep in and at times, I've forgotten why I'm here. I exist purely for him and his delight. How silly of me to forget his promises!

"I will set my eyes on them for good, and I will bring them back to this land. I will build them up, and not tear them down; I will plant them, and not uproot them. I will give them a heart to know that I am the Lord, and they shall be my people and I will be their God, for they shall return to me with their whole heart." Jeremiah 24:6-7

"Then you will call upon me and come and pray to me, and I will hear you. You will seek me and find me. When you seek me with ALL your heart, I will be found by you, declares the Lord." Jeremiah 29:12-14

He deserves everything. Not the leftover pieces of our hearts, but the very best. We can trust him with our WILDEST dreams! He keeps giving me dreams about surfing (something I've never gotten to do but one of my biggest desires) in which I'm able to ride killer waves without even using a board. I know he is going to go beyond all my expectations in every single desire I have from him. It's because he's the one that has given me my desires. Of course the Creator of my dreams is going to fulfill them!

ALL OF YOU, I would not be here without your prayers and support. I thank you more times than all the tortillas I've eaten here (that's a lot).

Please keep praying for:
  • our sweet Mama's grandson who has an abusive step dad....this boy is quite special. 9 years old and she's never seen him upset. He's constantly smiling and has the purest heart. Our Mama's worried about him eventually turning to the streets like so many kids here do.
  • The Spirit to abide in us and lead us in ALL of our words, thoughts, and actions so that God receives ALL the glory here.
  • The Spirit to lead more and more people into Oasis (our church and community center). We long to see lives saved.
  • Beckah and I- more and more love and service for one another
  • My kickboxing aerobics class this Saturday. I've never taught before, just attended a few classes in Auburn....and now over 60 people have signed up to come. HAHAHA it's gonna be cra-cra! Sounds silly, but pray for God to lead me in teaching this's a way to build relationships with theses people. I'll be teaching it every Saturday.
  • our extended family here who desperately needs Jesus. We're praying for the husband especially.

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

He Answers Our Prayers!

God is serious about the prayers we pray. He honors them and answers them. Not always how I would have, but his way is always the best. And he's super creative!

My journal from last Monday reads: "Lord, please test, sharpen and refine me for your glory. I am yours." A scary prayer...if it wasn't to the lover of my soul. But he cares for me with more passion than any human ever could. So, I'd say with any prayer, I'm safe.

The very next night, I was up all night in the bathroom. I had to stay home from work on Wednesday and was up all that night as well, fainting each time after I used the bathroom. Some kind of bacteria had got into my system and it took all my energy for my body to fight it. Stuck in the bed for 3 days, I was really discouraged. So much work needed to be done in the community center I couldn't even walk outside without feeling exhausted. I trusted God, but it took me several days to understand fully why he allowed this.

Just before I got sick on Tuesday, I read "You are a hiding place for me, you preserve me from trouble; you surround me with shouts of deliverance!" Psalm 32:7

On Saturday morning, I experienced complete brokenness in my bed. I was listening to a song about how much Jesus loves me when He shook me out of my self pity. He overwhelmed me with my purpose here on earth- TO LOVE HIM. That's it. That's all he wants. My heart was weary from trying so hard to seek him and the whole time, he was right in front of me, hanging on the cross. Bleeding for me. Once you discover your purpose like I did, there's nothing to do but sit in his presence. All you can do is soak up his love- which never stops flowing.

This is why he planned for me to get sick... to be awakened again to his love and my purpose. Things were starting to creep back into my heart again- fears, selfish desires and idols. He LOVES me too much to let me live with those. I can say with confidence now, I do not want anything. I have all I've ever dreamed of with him. This is waaaaay more than enough to fill every place in my heart and more!

You wouldn't believe all the other prayers he's answered!!!

I was praying really hard on Saturday for my friend who wants God, but her husband strictly forbid her to stay away from Christians. Guess wah?! Her husband miraculously (so out of his character) let her come to our church on Sunday! God is doing a new thing in her! He's also giving me more opportunities to talk with them both, praise him!

Yesterday, we had TONS of people attend all of our classes in Oasis (community center). God went way beyond what we asked him to do as far as bringing people goes! More than 30 kids in a class that was designed for 15 ha!

Another huge thing he did... I could hardly walk a few blocks on Sunday without losing all of my energy, and I was supposed to teach classes from 10am-7pm on Monday. I didn't know how I was going to do it...I was completely helpless, but I knew God would do something for me. So yesterday I taught my adults english class, 9th grade science, another adults english, and an english conversation class. By God's strength, I made it the entire day! I had barely lasted a few hours in church the day before... and then he got me through 9 hours of standing and teaching. What a God we have!!!

As you can see, God really does care about what we ask him for! I daily rely on your prayers. Please keep them coming when you can. Thank you all so much!

Please pray:
  • God will continue transforming us to show Jesus to these people
  • He will give us more opportunities to speak his name and be his hands
  • He will give us all engery (especially my weak body) to do everything for his glory and not for men
  • The Spirit will continue drawing people into church (we had 2 visitors on Sunday!)
  • for my friends (a few adults) who don't know him yet

Sunday, September 2, 2012

Living one who sees me

"The angel of the Lord found her by a spring of water in the wilderness...

'because the Lord has listened to your affliction.'

So she called the name of the Lord who spoke to her. 'You are a God of seeing,' for she said, 'Truly here I have seen him who looks after me.' Therefore the well was called Beer-lahai-roi (Living one who sees me)."

Genesis 16:7,11,13-14

Just as God met Hagar in the wilderness, after she had been abused and hurt by her mistress...

He is constantly meeting us here. His love never stops flowing. Everyday we face struggles with exhaustion, learning the language, and serving in the MK school and community center. Beckah and I have realized everyday we're discouraged, it's because we're thinking of ourselves- our weaknesses. It's when we let go of ourselves (our inability to communicate what we desire) and let God have his way, our hearts are satisfied and have peace. Praise Jesus for carrying ALL of our burdens and giving us joy!

I have never been more blessed to live with our new Mexican mama, Margarita. Since we moved in this past Wednesday, this lady has loved us with all of her heart. Her husband passed away just in April and she's been lonely. One of the most caring, thoughtful, and loving woman I have ever met. She cried when she saw Beckah and I praying together our first night. The Lord has done so much for this strong woman and she continues to pour out herself to Him.

Beckah and I had our first big adventure navigating the metro during rush hour to visit the Aztec pyramids a few hours away on Thursday. Jesus was so sweet to us! We've been asking him to put people in our path to share his love and He has!!! At the pyramids we were surrounded by his glory in the numerous mountains and pastures full of flowers. The wind was blowing and we felt His peace. We came across one of the smallest, cutest old man I've ever met. He told us he was having a horrible day. He had hardly any money to support his family, but was trying to sell a few pieces of jewelry. He loved to talk and had a lot of knowledge about Mexico's history and numerous languages. Jesus allowed us to just stand and listen to him for a while. We felt his heart for this man. I know God has a lot in store for him. We were able to give him a small gift from Jesus. He started proclaiming that Jesus is the only saviour, the bread of life, his king. God is so gentle with us.

He has also been helping me in teaching my 9th grade science class. I've felt inadequate to teach but God has loved my weakness I know! After Beckah prayed for him to give me supernatural understanding and teaching skills on Monday (when I felt really unprepared)....guess wah?! HE DID. No surprise, but still so sweet. I taught the lesson better than I'm capable of. It was totally him :)

He has also blessed us with countless conversations with Margaritas's 3 (middle age) daughters who each love the Lord. We've been able to encourage one another and love talking about him together.

We've been busy getting ready to open up our community center and start classes on September 10th. I'll be teaching ingles and  kickboxing aerobic. We are praying for a lot of people to come so we can build relationships and live out Jesus' love for them.

Please keep praying for:
  • Beckah, myself and all of the body here to be completely focused on Jesus and not ourselves.
  • more divine appointments to speak his holy name (Praise God for answering us already!!!)
  • supernatural wisdom and grace for our pastor to lead Oasis (our church)
  • the Holy Spirit to continue pouring out himself on Oasis and this community
  • our dear friends who don't know Jesus yet (one older man and a younger lady)
  • God to save his children here!!!! We are desperate to see these people satisfied by his love.
Bear hugs to every single one of you. I am extremely blessed to know you <3

May God pour out even more of His Spirit on you than you ever imagined before!!!!!