Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Up on the mountain

Be willing to follow me wholeheartedly, with glad anticipation quickening your pace. Though you don't know what lies ahead, I know, and that is enough! Some of my richest blessings are just around the bend; out of sight, but nonetheless, very real. To recieve these gifts, you must walk by faith- not by sight...

Sometimes I lead you up a high mountain with only my hand to support you. The higher you climb, the more spectacular the view becomes; also, the more keenly you sense your sepeartion from the world with all of its problems. This frees you to experience exuberantly the joyous reality of my presence. Give yourself fully to these glory moments, awash in dazzling light.

- Jesus Calling

Jesus sought rest on the mountains. My whole life, I've been drawn to their beauty. Though 21 million people live here, Mexico City is surrounded by glorious mountains. This past Thursday, Bequita (Beckah's nickname here) and I got to climb one. God was so sweet to us, letting us get away from the crowds and find rest in his creation. On the top of the mountain, he led us to Johnny- a guy who needs him. We needed someone to take our picture and quickly made friends with this 35 year old world traveler from England. We spent the whole afternoon talking about life and God. This famous fashion photographer travels all over, only buying one way tickets, living out spontanuity. Amazing how he's tasted fame, money, adventure, love and everything else the world has to offer and still... he senses something's missing.  No matter who you are, Jesus is the only one who can complete you and fill all the missing places of your heart. We're praying for Johnny to seek him.

Thank you all so so much for your prayers. As always, we are so thankful that the Spirit is moving powerfully here.

  • We had THREE new families visit Oasis (our church) on Sunday! This is huge for us as we're a small group and haven't had hardly anyone visit yet. Praise God for these families! We're not into filling our church so that we see the result of our hard work. No, we want to fill Oasis with true worshipers who adore our Lord. HE is the one we want to see praised!
  • He's giving us more and more opportunities to speak his name!
    • Several people this week asked me why it's called "Oasis." I got to tell them, it's because we have a refuge here, in the Lord's presence. It's a place where we can find rest and true, living water. Prasie God!
  • I've had days when God has literally expanded my time in order to get all my studies done for my classes. Pretty sweet of him!
  • I've been asking God to make me bold and he sure did. I got to share my testimony with a shy, broken-hearted 18 year old guy with acne during my one-on-one English Conversation class. Beckah laughed after I told her about it...I told him how I used to be a shy, insecure, pimplefaced girl. But God showed me his love in Nicaragua and freed me from my insecurities. Maybe a lil too bold, but our God always goes beyond what we ask him, doesn't he ;)
  • our prideful, older friend who we've been praying for actually opened a Bible last night and asked us about it. He's still far from wanting to seek God, but he's curious. We're praying he reads John.
  • We're getting to build more relationships with our students and neighbors. Classes that used to be difficult are becoming a joy, purely because God's growing our hearts for these people. More people are coming and are begining to trust us, which is a slow process for Mexicans.
  • Joyful moments dancing to reggae (my FAV!) in the street with the neighbors, playing skreet ball with da niƱos , and getting to smell our neighbor's one month old puppy's breath- are all gifts from our Father who adores us. I am so thankful!!!
Please keep asking God for us:
  • to give our missionaries rest. Their work is endless and can be draining. Pray God gives them refreshment, joy and rest in the oasis of his presence.
  • to fill us with HIS words for these people. That his Spirit leads us always and that we're quick to obey whatever he asks.
  • for our friends: Pedro (drugaddict), Johnny (British photographer), and the older man who doesn't know he needs Jesus.
  • for God to use us, his vessels, to destroy the works of the devil in this place. There's so much darkness.
  • to deliver me from tempation in- selfishness, lust, overeating and discontentment.
I am so thankful for you. Jesus loves you. There is no guilt or shame to hurt your relationship with him. He's destroyed it all. :)

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