Thursday, October 18, 2012

Where You go, I go. Where You stay, I stay.

For I will satisfy the weary soul, and every languishing soul I will replenish.- Jeremiah 31:25

And my God will supply every need of yours, according to his riches in glory in Christ Jesus. - Philippians 4:19

What a great Father we have. Who loves making us wait on his plans, just so he can watch our faces when he surprises us! He gets so much pleasure from our trust and surrender. He's got way more character and personality than we give him credit for. Ask him to be himself with you and you won't be disappointed!

Since I arrived here, I've been asking him to show me the next steps in his plan for my life. I've been seeking and longing for answers. Would he have me stay here? Stay in Birmingham? Go someplace else? In his presence, all questions, doubts, and worries fall away.

 Just last Friday I was sitting in our tiny back porch, surrounded by potted plants, resting in his green love- he knows me so well :) I felt his peace wash over me as I searched my own heart. I've been asking him to show me for so long and I finally felt him tell me.

Allie, my wildflower, what do you desire? This is what I desire.

So I answered, "You know I love this country. I feel like you handmade me for these people- for this country. I trust you'll bring me back here when you choose. Until then, I'm content in Birmingham or wherever else you desire. Where you go, I go. Where you stay, I stay."

What a sweet Daddy I have, to answer me so powerfully, so quickly.

I came inside, checked my email to find an job opportunity waiting for me back in Birmingham. A position for a small church's children director. I still don't know if I'll get it, but OH the Lord is sweet! He directs every single little step of our lives! So silly of us to worry about what's ahead! He wants us to enjoy stepping with him. Because our journeys with him are jam full of adventures, surprises, joy, intimacy, and the deepest love!

He's answered an enormous amount of prayers since I've been here!!! And you, my friend, have been a part of his work. I cannot thank you enough for your love and faithfulness in praying for us here. Muchismas gracias.
  • He's given us endless opportunities to speak of his love: with various lost students, with our sweet neighbors who are Jehovah's witnesses, who have the purest seeking hearts- just really lost. The dad flat out asked me today, "So who is God to you?" Ooooooooh the Lord is good! I got to talk with a student today for an hour about her undiagnosed disease that has brought her closer to Him. Her husband left her because he got tired of caring for this beautiful 29 year old. She passionately loves Jesus and takes in poor and dirty street folks, even when they don't give her anything in return. Such sweet moments all from him.
  • He's answered our prayers for dreams and visions. And he's blessed me through other's prophetic words of encouragement! Our Lord never runs out of love and encouragement!!!
  • He's given me a little 7 year old, Angel who has dyslexia and needs speech therapy. Though I feel inadequate to help him, this is God's doing and I'm so thankful.
  • He's given me hard days, breaking my pride and self-reliance- all in Fatherly love in order to teach me to surrender and rejoice in suffering. Do you realize...
"suffering produces endurance and endurance produces character and character produces hope and hope does not put us to shame, because God's love has been poured into our hearts through the Holy Spirit who has been given to us." - Romans 5:3-5

He is so faithful, when I've felt completely empty from pouring out so much of myself...He has poured into me- way more than I need. His supply of love, encouragement, empowerment is endless. Be bold in asking him to fill you up. He will.

Please continue praying for:
  • wisdom, discernment, and guidance in helping little Angel in speech every Wednesday at 5pm. I have hardly any experience in my field (though I did graduate with this degree) and need the Lord to inspire and lead me in how to help him.
  • grace in listening to the Spirit every time we're talking to someone who needs him. Obedience to speak his words, and to be his hands and feet.
  • that God would fulfill the meaning of Oasis (our church) as a refuge in this dark, dry and desperate city. He has already been so faithful in hearing our prayers in bringing people to our community we long for more souls in our church here.
  • that God would fight for us against jealousy, selfishness, overeating, worrying, self-reliance and pride. We constantly need his deliverance.
  • BOLDNESS- I want God to set this place on fire for his name. Pray for us.
So much love, joy, and laughter to you all :)


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