God really rocked me in 2012, doing WAY more than I EVER expected him to. I spent a season of living like Jonah in 2011, running from him and not wanting to surrender the deepest parts of my heart. After he helped me finally let go and trust him, I traded in my rebellion for obedience. That was the 2nd best decision of my life. Although surrender can hurt, and I had to reap the consequences of running from him for a season, nothing will ever be better than the feeling of obeying him. God is an AMAZING Healer and Restorer. Giving up my "dreams", I got to experience him trade me with new ones. Better ones. He is ALWAYS up to more than we can perceive. He ALWAYS has better gifts for his children. I praise God that his plans for me are bigger than my wildest dreams. He is extremely creative and the farthest from boring you could ever get.
End of 2012, being so faithful to my heart, God confirmed his calling for my life- to share Jesus with the world. For this season to come, and only He knows for how long, He has called me back to Mexico City. Experiencing the need for him in the world's 2nd largest city has driven me to follow him with passion and vision. My heart is for these kids and especially teens that are so hungry for life. Yet like so many, they're searching in all the wrong places and don't realize Jesus offers true everlasting life.
That's why I am pressing on to return and start the youth group in August this year, Lord willing.
Support raising has been challenging thus far. Having to raise $2,000 per month for only God knows how many years can be overwhelming. My friend who is also support raising ($15,000) to spend a year in China, really encouraged me in the process. She said,
"How boring and lame would it be if YOU raised all the money by yourself. Of course God is going to do it all through his Holy Spirit, because he is the one who has called you! This was not your doing, but his. So he has to confirm it and bring in every penny or peso you need." All you support raisers out there, I wanna give a shout out to you and telll you- God has raised 2/3 of this girl's support from people who she NEVER EVEN ASKED. Haha! Now that is how faithful he is. He will seriously provide all you need.
Look at what he's done thus far...
- He gave me every penny I needed for my trip to Mexico this past August- December. On the day my flight left for Mexico, a random family friend gave $300 to make it exactly $5,000!!!! Even after donors had given random amounts, like $427 God made it equal the exact amount down to the penny! Ha!
- Moving back to Birmingham after Mexico, away from my home church in Auburn, God provided me a seasonal home at Hope Culture. This church is starting a youth group now and I'm getting to be a part of it! Only God could provide such perfect stepping stones for my calling in Mexico!
- God has also called me to help lead a Girls' Purity small group, which I know he wants me to also use in Mexico, where so many desperately need Jesus' purity in their lives.
- God is also using this time at home, as I'm currently job hunting, to really bring healing to my familial relationships before I leave for Mexico in August. He is the only one who could have such perfect timing and good gifts for my family and me!
On Sunday during worship my pastor said Psalm 16:11 which has been my life verse for some time.
You make known to me the path of life; in your presence is fullness of joy; at your right hand are pleasures forevermore.
I was just telling Jesus that he's all I've ever dreamed of, longed for, and needed. Then my pastor says, "Do you know who's at God's right hand? It's Jesus. Jesus is pleasures forevermore!" What a revelation! For so long I've loved this verse, but now I love it even more! Jesus!
I pray this encourages you! He is so good at making Scripture come alive even after years of knowing a certain passage! ASK HIM to do this for you today.
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